The Everton Collection Charitable Trust are now accepting donated items. If you have a unique piece of Everton memorabilia that you would like to donate to the Collection please read below:

1. Does the Trust already have it? Search the website to see if your memorabilia is already in the Collection. The Trust are currently not accepting duplicate items and will not accept any memorabilia that is already in the Collection.

2. The Trust are currently not accepting loans. Any items that you offer to the Trust will be in the form of a donation.

To donate an item, please contact us by phone on 0151 233 5817 or by email at 

or write to us (with a detailed description and preferably an image of the item) at:

The Everton Collection
Liverpool Record Office
Unit 33
Wellington Employment Park South
Dunes Way (off Sandhills Lane)
L5 9RJ

Many thanks for your support!

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Liverpool City Council                        HLF120                        The Everton Collection Charitable Trust